war reserve materiel requirement, protectable

war reserve materiel requirement, protectable
That portion of the war reserve materiel requirement that is either on hand and/or previously funded that shall be protected; if issued for peacetime use, it shall be promptly reconstituted. This level consists of the pre-positioned war reserve materiel requirement, protectable, and the other war reserve materiel requirement, protectable.

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • pre-positioned war reserve materiel requirement, protectable — That portion of the pre positioned war reserve materiel requirement that is protected for purposes of procurement, funding, and inventory management …   Military dictionary

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  • other war reserve materiel requirement, balance — That portion of the other war reserve materiel requirement that has not been acquired or funded. This level consists of the other war reserve materiel requirement less the other war reserve materiel requirement protectable …   Military dictionary

  • pre-positioned war reserve materiel requirement, balance — That portion of the pre positioned war reserve materiel requirement that has not been acquired or funded. This level consists of the pre positioned war reserve materiel requirement, less the pre positioned war reserve requirement, protectable …   Military dictionary

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