draft plan — plano projektas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Planas, kurio pirminis sudarymas yra suderintas ir sutartas su kitais kariniais štabais ir yra parengtas derinti su kitomis valstybėmis, kurios turėtų atlikti veiksmus planui remti. Jis gali… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
coordinated draft plan — A plan for which a draft plan has been coordinated with the nations involved. It may be used for future planning and exercises and may be implemented during an emergency. See also draft plan; final plan; initial draft plan; operation plan … Military dictionary
initial draft plan — A plan which has been drafted and coordinated by the originating headquarters, and is ready for external coordination with other military headquarters. It cannot be directly implemented by the issuing commander, but it may form the basis for an… … Military dictionary
coordinated draft plan — suderintasis plano projektas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Planas, kurio projektas buvo suderintas su dalyvaujančiomis valstybėmis. Gali būti panaudotas tolesniam planavimui ir pratyboms arba krizės atveju. atitikmenys: angl. coordinated… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
initial draft plan — pirminis plano projektas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Planas, kuris yra parengtas ir suderintas tam tikro štabo bei parengtas derinti su kitomis karinėmis vadovybėmis. Jis negali būti įgyvendinamas jį parengusio vado, bet ekstremaliu… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Draft — An unconventional order in writing signed by a person, usually the exporter, and addressed to the importer ordering the importer or the importer s agent to pay, on demand ( sight draft) or at a fixed future date ( time draft), the amount… … Financial and business terms
draft — A written order drawn by one party, called a drawer, that directs a second party (almost always a bank), called a drawee, to pay a sum of money to a third party, called the payee. For example, a check. Drafts are used with letters of credit.… … Financial and business terms
draft — 1 n 1: a preliminary version of something (as a law) 2 a: a system for or act of selecting individuals from a group (as for military service) b: the act or process of selecting an individual (as for political candidacy) without his or her… … Law dictionary
Plan B (duo) — Plan B Also known as Plan B, The Panic, El Duo Del Sex, Chencho Maldy Origin Puerto Rico Genres Reggaeton Labels Pina Records, Sony Music Latin, Plan B Society … Wikipedia
plan — [n1] scheme, design, way of doing things aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture*, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning,… … New thesaurus