clearance rate

clearance rate
The area which would be cleared per unit time with a stated minimum percentage clearance, using specific minehunting and/or minesweeping procedures.

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • Clearance rate — U.S. 2004 clearance rates separated by crime type In criminal justice, clearance rate is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are cleared (a charge being laid) by the total number of crimes recorded. Clearance rates are used by… …   Wikipedia

  • clearance rate — išminavimo sparta statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Plotas, kuris turėtų būti išvalytas per laiko vienetą išlaikant nustatytą minimalų procentinį išvalymo santykį, naudojant tam tikrus minų paieškos ir (arba) tralavimo būdus. atitikmenys: angl …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • biological clearance rate — biologinio valymosi sparta statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Santykinis stabilaus cheminio elemento, esančio žmogaus organe arba kūne, atomų skaičiaus pokytis per vienetinį laiko tarpą, tariant, kad šis elementas… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

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  • Clearance — A clearance can refer to: in chess, A positional move, where a player moves a piece occupying a certain square away, replacing it with an allied piece that will strengthen the player s position. in engineering and safety, a physical distance or… …   Wikipedia

  • Clearance (medicine) — In medicine, the clearance is a measurement of the renal excretion ability. Although clearance may also involve other organs than the kidney, it is almost synonymous with renal clearance or renal plasma clearance. Each substance has a specific… …   Wikipedia

  • clearance — 1. (C with a subscript indicating the substance removed)Removal of a substance from the blood, e.g., by renal excretion, expressed in terms of the volume flow of arterial blood or plasma that would contain the amount of substance removed per …   Medical dictionary

  • rate — 1. A record of the measurement of an event or process in terms of its relation to some fixed standard; measurement is expressed as the ratio of one quantity to another ( e.g., velocity, distance per unit …   Medical dictionary

  • Rate of infusion — In pharmacokinetics, the rate of infusion (or dosing rate) refers not just to the rate at which a drug is administered, but the desired rate at which a drug should be administered to achieve a steady state of a fixed dose which has been… …   Wikipedia

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