- privately owned vehicle
Military dictionary. 2000.
Military dictionary. 2000.
POV — may refer to: * Point of view (disambiguation) ** P.O.V. (Utopia album), an album by Utopia from 1985 ** P.O.V. , the PBS television program, showing independent, non fiction film **POV shot, a technique in motion photography **POV Videography… … Wikipedia
pov|e|ra — «POV ehr uh», adjective. of or having to do with a form of art that regards the artistic idea or process as more important than the finished product. ╂[< Italian (arte) povera impoverished (art)] … Useful english dictionary
pov|er|ty — «POV uhr tee», noun. 1. the condition of being poor: »Being out of work usually causes poverty. 2. lack of what is needed; poor quality: »The poverty of the soil makes the crops small. SYNONYM(S): deficiency. 3. Figurative. a small amount;… … Useful english dictionary
POV — (Point Of View) outlook, opinion, attitude, perspective … English contemporary dictionary
POV — abbrev. point of view … English World dictionary
pov — /pɒv/ (say pov) Colloquial –noun 1. a person who is poor: they can t afford to come – they re real povs. –adjective 2. of or relating to people who are poor: that s pov food. 3. cheaply made and of inferior quality: pov clothes; a pov TV show.… …
POV — Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres Sigles de cinq lettres Sigles de six lettres Sigles de sept… … Wikipédia en Français
pov — im·pov·er·ish; im·pov·er·ish·ment; pov·er·ty; POV; … English syllables
POV — Die Abkürzung POV steht für: Point of View (zu Deutsch: Standpunkt) bezeichnet: eine persönliche Meinung, Ansicht, Gesichtspunkt oder Erzählperspektive in Film, Fotografie sowie Videospielen die optische Perspektive oder Einstellung, die einen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
POV — ● ►en np. sg. m. ►APPLI Persistence Of Vision. Logiciel de raytracing de (très) bonne qualité distribué en freeware et avec ses sources. Ce serait vraiment dommage de s en priver. POV souffre quand même de son origine Unixienne : absence totale d … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
Pov — 1. bad; pathetic; uncool; 2. poor; moneyless; 3. poor person (from pov(erty stricken) ) … Dictionary of Australian slang