casualty category

casualty category
A term used to specifically classify a casualty for reporting purposes based upon the casualty type and the casualty status. Casualty categories include killed in action, died of wounds received in action, and wounded in action. See also casualty; casualty status; casualty type; duty status - whereabouts unknown; missing.

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • casualty type — A term used to identify a casualty for reporting purposes as either a hostile casualty or a nonhostile casualty. See also casualty; casualty category; casualty status; hostile casualty; nonhostile casualty …   Military dictionary

  • casualty status — A term used to classify a casualty for reporting purposes. There are seven casualty statuses: (1) deceased; (2) duty status whereabouts unknown; (3) missing; (4) very seriously ill or injured; (5) seriously ill or injured; (6) incapacitating… …   Military dictionary

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  • wounded in action — A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other than the victim of a terrorist activity, who has incurred an injury due to an external agent or cause. The term encompasses all kinds of wounds and other injuries incurred in action,… …   Military dictionary

  • died of wounds received in action — A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other than the victim of a terrorist activity, who dies of wounds or other injuries received in action after having reached a medical treatment facility. Also called DWRIA. See also casualty… …   Military dictionary

  • killed in action — A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other than the victim of a terrorist activity, who is killed outright or who dies as a result of wounds or other injuries before reaching a medical treatment facility. Also called KIA. See… …   Military dictionary

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