military standard

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • MIL-STD — Standard du Département de la Défense des États Unis Un Standard du Département de la Défense des États Unis, aussi appelé « standard militaire américain », MIL STD ou MIL SPEC, est utilisé dans le but d obtenir la normalisation de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • MIL-STD-1553 — is military standard published by the United States Department of Defense that defines the mechanical, electrical and functional characteristics of a serial data bus. It was originally designed for use with military avionics, but has also become… …   Wikipedia

  • MIL-STD-1553 — es el estándar militar publicado por el Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos que define las características mecánicas, eléctricas y funcionales de un bus de datos en serie. Fue diseñado en principio para su uso en aviación militar, pero ha… …   Wikipedia Español

  • MIL-STD-188 — is a series of U.S. military standards relating to telecommunications. PurposeFaced with “past technical deficiencies in telecommunications systems and equipment and software…that were traced to basic inadequacies in the application of… …   Wikipedia

  • MIL STD 130 — is a standard that is mandated by the DoD for any item to be UID compliant. MIL STD 130 permits printing or marking the UID symbol with most of the conventional technologies used to produce a name plate or a label and this standard can be easily… …   Wikipedia

  • MIL-STD-1553 — (MIL STD 1553B) стандарт Министерства обороны США, распространяется на магистральный последовательный интерфейс (МПИ) с централизованным управлением, применяемый в системе электронных модулей. Изначально разрабатывался по заказу МО США для… …   Википедия

  • MIL STD 129 — standard is used for maintaining uniformity while marking military equipment and supplies that are transported through ships. This standard has been approved to be used by the Department of Defence and all other government agencies. Items must be …   Wikipedia

  • MIL-STD-498 — (Military Standard 498) was a United States military standard whose purpose was to establish uniform requirements for software development and documentation. It was released Nov. 8, 1994, and replaced DOD STD 2167A, DOD STD 7935A, and DOD STD… …   Wikipedia

  • MIL-STD-188 — MIL STD 188  серия американских военных стандартов в области телекоммуникаций. Изначально военный стандарт № 188 (MIL STD 188) охватывал технические стандарты для тактической и дальней связи, однако, позднее был пересмотрен (MIL STD… …   Википедия

  • MIL-STD-1553 — est une norme décrivant un bus de communication largement utilisé en avionique militaire. Elle a été développée sous l égide du DoD américain à partir de 1968. La première version MIL STD 1553A a été publiée en 1975. La version actuelle est la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • MIL-STD-1750A — or 1750A is the formal definition of a 16 bit computer Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), including both required and optional components, as described by the military standard document MIL STD 1750A (1980). In addition to the core ISA, the… …   Wikipedia

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