joint interface operational procedures

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • JIOP-MTF — joint interface operating procedures message text formats …   Military dictionary

  • Judicial Intern — In the United States, a judicial intern is usually a law student or sometimes a recent law school graduate who provides assistance to a judge and/or law clerks in researching and writing issues before the court. These positions are usually unpaid …   Wikipedia

  • — I jiàn (1)  ㄐㄧㄢˋ (2) 古同 践 , 践踏: 凡道不欲壅, 壅则哽; 哽而不止则~。 (3) 郑码: JIOP, U: 8DC8, GBK: DA99 (4) 笔画数: 12, 部首: 足, 笔顺编号: 251212134333 II chén (1)  ㄔㄣˊ (2) 古同 趁 。 (3) 郑码: JIOP, U: 8DC8, GBK: DA99 (4) 笔画数: 12, 部首: 足, 笔顺编号: 251212134333 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

  • — liáo (1)  ㄌㄧㄠˊ (2) 跑。 (3) 足相交。 (4) 郑码: JIOP, U: 8E58, GBK: DB8E (5) 笔画数: 18, 部首: 足, 笔顺编号: 251212154154134333 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

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