automatic flight control system
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automatic flight control system — automatinė skrydžio valdymo sistema statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sistema, į kurią įeina visa orlaivio skridimo ar raketos skriejimo automatinio valdymo įranga, išlaikanti kursą ir padėtį erdvėje pagal vidaus ar išorės komandas. atitikmenys … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
automatic flight control system — flight control system in an aircraft which operates without human supervision … English contemporary dictionary
automatic flight control system — A system that includes all equipment to automatically control the flight of an aircraft or missile to a path or attitude described by references internal or external to the aircraft or missile … Aviation dictionary
automatic flight control system — noun a system which includes all equipment to control automatically the flight of an aircraft or missile to a path or altitude described by references internal or external to the aircraft or missile …
Flight control modes (electronic) — New aircraft designs like this Boeing 777 rely on sophisticated flight computers to aid and protect the aircraft in flight. These are governed by computational laws which assign flight control modes during flight Aircraft with fly by wire flight… … Wikipedia
Electronic Flight Instrument System — An electronic flight instrument system, or EFIS, is a flight deck instrument display system in which the display technology used is electronic rather than electromechanical. EFIS normally consist of a primary flight display (PFD), multi function… … Wikipedia
Control system — For other uses, see Control system (disambiguation). A control system is a device, or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior of other devices or system. There are two common classes of control systems, with many… … Wikipedia
active control system — noun (aeronautics) An advanced automatic flight control system, integrating aerodynamics, structure and electronic design • • • Main Entry: ↑active … Useful english dictionary
flight control computer — A component of automatic control systems that has inputs from aircraft flight control surfaces and engine controls and outputs to the engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS) and the flight management computer (FMC) … Aviation dictionary
automatic pilot — That part of an automatic flight control system that provides attitude stabilization, in all three planes, with respect to internal references. It may also permit leveling out at the desired altitude, or rolling out onto the desired heading.… … Aviation dictionary