arresting barrier
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aircraft arresting barrier — orlaivio stabdymo įtaisas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Įtaisas, nepriklausomas nuo orlaivio stabdymo kablio, naudojamas orlaiviui sustabdyti mažinant jo judėjimo į priekį iš inercijos avarinio tūpimo ar kilimo nutraukimo atveju.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
aircraft arresting barrier — A device, not dependent on an aircraft arresting hook, used to stop an aircraft by absorbing its forward momentum in an emergency landing or an aborted takeoff. Also called barricade; emergency barrier. See also aircraft arresting system … Military dictionary
Arresting gear — (A.K.A. A Gear ) is the term used for mechanical systems designed to rapidly decelerate an aircraft as it lands. Arresting gear on aircraft carriers is an essential component of naval aviation, and it is most commonly used on CATOBAR and STOBAR… … Wikipedia
aircraft arresting barrier — A device used to engage an aircraft and absorb its forward momentum after an emergency landing or an aborted takeoff. It consists of vertical nylon ropes and a suitable braking device to arrest forward movement of an aircraft. The braking system… … Aviation dictionary
aircraft arresting system — All components used to engage an aircraft and absorb the forward momentum of a routine or an emergency landing or an aborted takeoff. It consists of an arrester barrier or arrester cable; a suitable braking device, which absorbs the force… … Aviation dictionary
aircraft arresting system — A series of components used to stop an aircraft by absorbing its momentum in a routine or emergency landing or aborted takeoff. See also aircraft arresting barrier; aircraft arresting gear; aircraft arresting hook … Military dictionary
emergency barrier — orlaivio stabdymo įtaisas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Įtaisas, nepriklausomas nuo orlaivio stabdymo kablio, naudojamas orlaiviui sustabdyti mažinant jo judėjimo į priekį iš inercijos avarinio tūpimo ar kilimo nutraukimo atveju.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
emergency barrier — See aircraft arresting barrier … Military dictionary
engage — i. To enter into air combat engagement with intruders. ii. An aircraft making contact with an arrester barrier engaging the barrier. See aircraft arresting barrier. iii. Contact made by a hook with an arrester wire engaging the wire. See aircraft … Aviation dictionary
engagement — i. In air defense, an attack with guns or air to air missiles by an interceptor aircraft, or the launch of an air defense missile by air defense artillery and the missile’s subsequent travel to intercept. ii. Engagement of an arrester barrier or… … Aviation dictionary