radio navigation

radio navigation
Radio-location intended for the determination of position or direction or for obstruction warning in navigation.

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • Radio navigation — or radionavigation is the application of radio frequencies to determining a position on the Earth. Like radiolocation, it is a type of radiodetermination.RDF / ADF / NDBThe first system of radio navigation was the Radio Direction Finder, or RDF.… …   Wikipedia

  • radio navigation — noun : the process of conducting an airplane or ship from one point to another by means of radio aids (as beacons, direction finders, or radioed bearings) * * * radio navigation, navigation of an aircraft or ship with the aid of radio beacons,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • radio navigation — radionavigacija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Radiolokacijos metodas nustatyti pozicijai ar krypčiai ar įspėti apie kliūtį navigacijoje. atitikmenys: angl. radio navigation pranc. radionavigation …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Radio Navigation System MFD — von Audi Das Radio Navigation System MFD ist ein KFZ Navigationsgerät, das unter anderem von VW, Seat, Škoda und Ford verbaut wird. Es basiert auf der Technik, die auch in den Blaupunkt Geräten der Serie TravelPilot bzw. TravelPilot DX, zur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Radio Navigation System MCD — Das Radio Navigation System MCD ist ein Kfz Navigationssystem, das unter anderem von VW, Ford und Seat verbaut wird. Es basiert auf der Technik, die auch in den Blaupunkt Geräten der Serie TravelPilot bzw. TravelPilot DX zur Anwendung kommt. Das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • radio navigation — The use of a radio location intended for the determination of position or direction …   Aviation dictionary

  • Radio navigation aid — Radio navigational aids, much like hearing aids, are small devices that allow other technological devices to receive signals which help with navigation. History Invented by Lord Roger Burrman in 1922, radio navigational aids have long since… …   Wikipedia

  • Alpha (radio navigation) — Alpha (also called RSDN 20 ) is a Russian system for long range radio navigation. RSDN in Russian stands for ru. Радиотехническая Система Далёкой Навигации (Radiotekhnitsheskaya Sistema Dalyokoi Navigatsii), i.e., radio technical long distance… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio — is the transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light.Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of… …   Wikipedia

  • NAVIGATION (SYSTÈMES DE) — Naviguer consiste, au sens originel, à se déplacer ou à voyager sur l’eau. Par extension logique, ce terme qualifie également l’art et la science de conduire un navire. Ultérieurement, la notion de navigation s’est étendue aux domaines aérien,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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