patient movement requirements center — A joint activity that coordinates patient movement. It is the functional merging of joint medical regulating processes, Services … Military dictionary
Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient Movement — The Consumer/Survivor/Ex Patient Movement, also known as the User/Survivor Movement, is a diverse association of individuals (and organizations representing them) who are either currently consumers (clients) of mental health services, or who… … Wikipedia
Global Patient Movement Requirements Center — A joint activity reporting directly to the Commander in Chief, US Transportation Command, the Department of Defense single manager for the regulation of movement of uniformed services patients. The Global Patient Movement Requirements Center… … Military dictionary
joint patient movement requirements center — A joint force health service support center under the control of the subordinate joint force surgeon, established to coordinate and control, in terms of identifying bed space requirements, the movement of patients within and out of the joint… … Military dictionary
patient movement items — The medical equipment and supplies required to support patients during aeromedical evacuation. Also called PMIs … Military dictionary
Patient safety — is a new healthcare discipline that emphasizes the reporting, analysis, and prevention of medical error that often lead to adverse healthcare events. The frequency and magnitude of avoidable adverse patient events was not well known until the… … Wikipedia
Patient empowerment — The patient empowerment concept, a recent outgrowth of the natural health movement, asserts that to be truly healthy, people must bring about changes in their social situations and in the environment that influences their lives, not only in their … Wikipedia
movement perception — ▪ process Introduction process through which humans and other animals orient themselves to their own or others physical movements. Most animals, including humans, move in search of food that itself often moves; they move to avoid predators… … Universalium
Patient safety organization — A patient safety organization (PSO) is a group, institution or association that improves medical care by reducing medical errors. In the 1990s, reports in several countries revealed a staggering number of patient injuries and deaths each year due … Wikipedia
Patient safety and nursing — Nurses are knowledge workers whose main responsibility is to provide safe and effective care within constantly evolving health care systems. Nurses collaborate with one another, as well as doctors, aides and technicians, to provide holistic care… … Wikipedia