optical axis — n a straight line perpendicular to the front of the cornea of the eye and extending through the center of the pupil called also optic axis … Medical dictionary
Optical axis — For the optic axis of a crystal, see Optic axis of a crystal. Optical axis (coincides with red ray) and rays symmetrical to optical axis (pair of blue and pair of green rays) propagating through different lenses. An optical axis is a line along… … Wikipedia
optical axis — ▪ optics the straight line passing through the geometrical centre of a lens and joining the two centres of curvature of its surfaces. Sometimes the optical axis of a lens is called its principal axis. The path of a light ray along this axis … Universalium
optical axis — optinė ašis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. optic axis; optical axis vok. optische Achse, f rus. оптическая ось, f pranc. axe optique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
optical axis — optinė ašis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Tiesi linija, einanti per optinių paviršių kreivumo centrus. atitikmenys: angl. optical axis vok. optische Achse, f rus. оптическая ось, f pranc. axe optique, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
optical axis — optinė ašis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Tiesi linija, einanti per lęšio išlinkimų centrus. Optinėje sistemoje – linija, sudaryta iš atskirų sutampančių optinės sistemos elementų pagrindinių optinių ašių. atitikmenys: angl. optical axis… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Optical axis grating — Optical axis gratings (OAGs) are gratings of optical axis of a birefringent material. In OAGs, the birefringence of the material is constant, while the direction of optical axis is periodically modulated in a fixed direction. In this way they are … Wikipedia
Optical axis gratings — (OAGs) are gratings of optical axis of a birefringent material. In OAGs, the birefringence of the material is constant, while the direction of optical axis is periodically modulated in a fixed direction. In this way they are different from the… … Wikipedia
optical axis — noun 1. a. : a straight line perpendicular to the front of the cornea of the eye and extending through the center of the pupil b. : the axis of symmetry of a radially symmetrical optical system 2. : optic axis 1 … Useful english dictionary
optical axis — An imaginary line drawn from the geometric center of a film to the center of a lens. It may project beyond the lens. Also called a lens axis and a camera axis … Aviation dictionary