- microform
- A generic term for any form, whether film, video tape, paper, or other medium, containing miniaturized or otherwise compressed images which cannot be read without special display devices.
Military dictionary. 2000.
Military dictionary. 2000.
Microform — Mi cro*form, n. [Micro + form, n.] (Biol.) A microscopic form of life; an animal or vegetable organism of microscopic size. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
microform — [mī′krō fôrm΄] n. any form of photographically reduced document, print, etc., as microfilm or microfiche … English World dictionary
Microform — For other uses, see Microform (disambiguation). Digital scanning of microfilm (see Digital conversion below). Microforms are any forms, either films or paper, containing microreproductions[1] of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and… … Wikipedia
microform — /muy kreuh fawrm /, n. any form, either film or paper, containing microreproductions. [1955 60; MICRO + FORM] * * * also called Microcopy, or Microrecord, any process, photographic or electronic, for reproducing printed matter or other… … Universalium
microform — noun Date: 1944 1. a process for reproducing printed matter in a much reduced size < documents in microform > 2. matter reproduced by microform … New Collegiate Dictionary
microform — mikroformatas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Bendrasis terminas, kuriuo vadinamas bet kuris (fotojuostos, vaizdajuostės, popieriaus ar kitos informacijos laikmenos) formatas, kuriame pateikiami labai sumažinti vaizdai, kurių neįmanoma… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Microform (disambiguation) — Microform may refer to the following: Microform are processed films that carry images of documents to users for transmission, storage, reading and printing. A microform is a type of birthscar. A common scar of this type is a microform cleft lip.… … Wikipedia
microform — noun microfilm, microfiche or similar materials … Wiktionary
Microform — Микроформа (микрофотоизображение на плёнке); микроноситель … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
microform — noun microphotographic reproduction on film or paper of a document … English new terms dictionary