intratheater airlift — Airlift conducted within a theater. Assets assigned to a geographic combatant commander or attached to a subordinate joint force commander normally conduct intratheater airlift operations. Intratheater airlift provides air movement and delivery… … Military dictionary
strategic airlift — See intertheater airlift … Military dictionary
tanker airlift control element — A mobile command and control organization deployed to support intertheater and intratheater air mobility operations at fixed, en route, and deployed locations where air mobility operational support is nonexistent or insufficient. The tanker… … Military dictionary
naval advanced logistic support site — An overseas location used as the primary transshipment point in the theater of operations for logistic support. A naval advanced logistic support site possesses full capabilities for storage, consolidation, and transfer of supplies and for… … Military dictionary
air mobility element — The air mobility element provides air mobility integration and coordination of US Transportation Command assigned air mobility forces. The air mobility element receives direction from the director of mobility forces and is the primary team for… … Military dictionary
Civil Reserve Air Fleet — The Civil Reserve Air Fleet is part of the United States s mobility resources. Selected aircraft from U.S. airlines, contractually committed to Civil Reserve Air Fleet, support United States Department of Defense airlift requirements in… … Wikipedia
air direct delivery — The intertheater air movement of cargo or personnel from an airlift point of embarkation to a point as close as practicable to the user … Military dictionary
naval forward logistic site — An overseas location, with port and airfield facilities nearby, which provides logistic support to naval forces within the theater of operations during major contingency and wartime periods. Naval forward logistic sites may be located in close… … Military dictionary