- air defense ground environment
- The network of ground radar sites and command and control centers within a specific theater of operations which are used for the tactical control of air defense operations.
Military dictionary. 2000.
Military dictionary. 2000.
air defence ground environment — oro erdvės gynybos antžeminės priemonės statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Antžeminių radiolokatorių, vadovavimo ir valdymo centrų tinklas konkrečiame operacijų rajone taktinėms oro erdvės gynybos operacijoms valdyti. atitikmenys: angl. air… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ground environment — i. The environment that surrounds and affects a system or piece of equipment while it operates on the ground. ii. That system or part of a system, such as of a guidance system, that functions on the ground. The aggregate of equipment, conditions … Aviation dictionary
air defense operations team — A team of United States Air Force ground environment personnel assigned to certain allied air defense control and warning units/elements … Military dictionary
Integrated NATO Air Defense System — or INADS was the NATO response to the Russian development of long range bombers in the 1950s. The need to maintain a credible deterrence when early warning and intercept times were massively reduced led to the development of an improved air… … Wikipedia
Semi Automatic Ground Environment — The Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) was an automated control system for tracking and intercepting enemy bomber aircraft used by NORAD from the late 1950s into the 1980s. In later versions, the system could automatically direct aircraft… … Wikipedia
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment — SAGE Sector Kontrollraum. Der Bildschirm zeigt einen Teil der US Ostküste Cape Cod im Zentrum mit zwei aufgespürten Zielen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eastern Air Defense Sector — Emblem Active 1960 present Country … Wikipedia
Western Air Defense Sector — Emblem Active 1995 Current Country United Stat … Wikipedia
Southeast Air Defense Sector — Emblem Active 1987 2006 … Wikipedia
Chicago Air Defense Sector — Emblem of the Chicago Air Defense Sector … Wikipedia