curve of pursuit

curve of pursuit
The curved path described by a fighter plane making an attack on a moving target while holding the proper aiming allowance.

Military dictionary. 2000.

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  • Curve of pursuit — Pursuit Pur*suit , n. [F. poursuite, fr. poursuivre. See {Pursue}, v. t.] 1. The act of following or going after; esp., a following with haste, either for sport or in hostility; chase; prosecution; as, the pursuit of game; the pursuit of an enemy …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curve of pursuit — A curve of pursuit is a curve constructed by analogy to having a point or points which represents pursuers and pursuees, and the curve of pursuit is the curve traced by the pursuers. With the paths of the pursuer and pursuee parametrised in time …   Wikipedia

  • curve of pursuit — persekiojimo trajektorija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Trajektorija, kuria naikintuvas skrenda atakuodamas judantį taikinį ir išlaikydamas reikiamą taikymo kryptį. atitikmenys: angl. curve of pursuit pranc. courbe de poursuite …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • curve of pursuit — The curved path followed by an attacker onto target aircraft when attacking from a position that is not directly astern, or straight ahead, and while holding the proper aiming allowance. Ideally, an aircraft should be line astern of the target at …   Aviation dictionary

  • curve of pursuit — a curve described by a point moving always directly toward or from a second point that is itself moving according to some law …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pursuit — Pur*suit , n. [F. poursuite, fr. poursuivre. See {Pursue}, v. t.] 1. The act of following or going after; esp., a following with haste, either for sport or in hostility; chase; prosecution; as, the pursuit of game; the pursuit of an enemy.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pursuit curve — Curves of pursuit with different parameters A curve of pursuit is a curve constructed by analogy to having a point or points which represents pursuers and pursuees, and the curve of pursuit is the curve traced by the pursuers. With the paths of… …   Wikipedia

  • pursuit curve — noun : the interception curve made by an interceptor maintaining continuous fire on a moving airplane from a position to the rear and side compare lead collision course …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of curve topics — This is a list of curve topics in mathematics. See also curve, list of curves, and list of differential geometry topics.*acnode *algebraic curve *arc *asymptote *asymptotic curve *Barbier s theorem *barycentric… …   Wikipedia

  • Crash Time: Autobahn Pursuit — Developer(s) Synetic …   Wikipedia

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