Put into a frame

  • 1put into shape — index formulate, frame (formulate), organize (arrange), remedy, renew (refurbish), repair …

    Law dictionary

  • 2frame — /freɪm / (say fraym) noun 1. an enclosing border or case, as for a picture. 2. anything composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure. 3. the sustaining parts of a structure fitted and joined together; framework; skeleton. 4. the body …

  • 3frame — framable, frameable, adj. framableness, frameableness, n. frameless, adj. framer, n. /fraym/, n., v., framed, framing. n. 1. a border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc. 2. a rigid structure formed of relatively slender pieces, j …


  • 4frame — [[t]freɪm[/t]] n. v. framed, fram•ing 1) a border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc 2) bui civ a rigid structure formed of joined pieces and used as a major support, as in buildings, machinery, and furniture 3) anat. a body, esp. a… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 5frame — I. v. a. 1. Construct, build, put together. 2. Form, compose, make, constitute. 3. Invent, devise, plan, contrive. 4. Fabricate, forge. 5. Put into a frame. II. n. 1. Skeleton, framing, framework, carcass …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 6frame — [frām] vt. framed, framing [ME framen < frame, a structure, frame, prob. < ON frami, profit, benefit, akin to frama, to further < fram, forward (akin to OE fram, FROM); some senses < OE framian, to be helpful: see FURNISH] 1. to shape …

    English World dictionary

  • 7frame´less — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 8frame´a|ble — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9frame — vt framed, fram·ing 1: to formulate the contents of and draw up (as a document) in the two hundred years since our Constitution was framed W. J. Brennan, Jr. 2: to contrive the evidence against (as an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty… …

    Law dictionary

  • 10Frame — Frame, n. 1. Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure; esp., the constructional system, whether of timber or metal, that gives to a building, vessel, etc., its model and strength; the skeleton of a structure.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English